Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's Belly Time!

an update on my belly status :) Enjoy!

16 weeks

22 weeks

26 weeks

Munchkin Face!

So on our visit to NJ during spring break, we were able to meet my new OBGYN. She's fabulous and I'm so happy! She ordered for me to get another anatomy scan so that SHE was comfortable with the scan, rather than what another practice said they did or didn't see (blah blah blah). In short...I got to see my baby girl again so I was thrilled either way! :) The scan was done at 23 weeks and the technician surprised me at the end by showing me a 3D view. OH MY GOD what a difference from 17 to 23 weeks!! I screamed out "she looks like a baby!!" and then felt ridiculous afterwards for having done so. lol

I really was amazed at how beautiful the sight of her face was to me. I was instantly in love again and it threw me for loop.

Girly Bedding Fun

I can't explain why but the moment I saw this bedding I fell in love. It's called Country Cottage from Baby Gap and I personally bought it because I didn't think anyone else would, plus there was a blowout sale and I couldn't pass that up :)

Her crib is Taylor by Baby Cache
This isn't my picture as I haven't received the crib yet, but it's the best photo I could find to show the beauty of the crib!

Catching up on SO much

So instead of doing one gigantic post, I'll just post this small one to let you know that more small ones are to follow!

I've got to cover:

appointments since my last

updated pictures of munchkin

her crib and bedding details that were chosen

and I want to post some of my favorite things that I'm most excited for her receiving soon

;) I'm working on it (and dinner) so be patient!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's a........

(don't scroll down if you are my mother in law!)
.(I'm warning you, you said you didn't want to know!)

We had the big ultrasound on 3/13 and enjoyed every minute of it. Here are some photos of our little lady. We can't wait to see her. I can't believe I'm already nearly 18 weeks along. Time flies and soon, she'll be here. We have a very busy next few months ahead of us with preparing to move, the actual big move, and then her arrival!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


So I woke up this morning feeling blessed and beautiful. Don't ask why, it was just a feeling and it felt wonderful if I may add.

I took a belly picture after getting dressed to go run some errands and have breakfast with Dane.

At breakfast we had a deep conversation, as we usually do when we go out to eat (another odd thing I have no explanation for) on parenting and raising the baby...our views and wants etc. It was quite overwhelming. I can't believe how much we think about this little one!! We are so excited for our big ultrasound so we can finally call the baby by his or her name rather than nicknames.

Here's today's photo!

You can tell I'm pregnant and that BLOWS MY MIND. I still can't believe it. I'm blessed to not have had any sickness whatsoever with this's been a joyous pregnancy and I am very thankful for that. I hope labor and delivery is as smooth as being pregnant is. :) ....wishful thinking, I know. I can always try, right?

Monday, February 23, 2009


I am so in love. The more I get to hear the baby, the more I realize it IS a baby and that it is mine, and that he or she is growing in me.

I can't wait and every day I am so much more in love with this little baby that I don't even know yet. We can't wait to meet little one!

Enjoy a really good recording of the HB that I caught on the doppler I rented! :)

Next appt: 3-11-09

Monday, February 16, 2009

2/13 Appointment

Everything was stupendous at the appointment. The baby's heartbeat, which I got to hear, was 170! It was so fast and so strong! I was so happy my little one has a strong heart and is in there having a good healthy time.

Our next appointment is scheduled for March 11th, where I'll be 17 weeks along. After that, it's the gender appt at the end of that same month!! We're SO excited!

Current stats: 14 weeks pregnant
Weight gain: 4 lbs
Illness: Bad sinus infection last week, and nausea/indigestion
Cravings: Salad with tomatoes and balsamic vinegar, all day every day please :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2nd Appointment was AWESOME!

By far the BEST appointment yet! The baby was dancing around and it was ADORABLE. He/she was measuring a week ahead of schedule so they changed my due date up a week! I happen to be 11 weeks pregnant, not 10 as previously thought. The baby is officially due on August 18th, 2009 and is measuring 3 inches! I can't believe the baby is about the size of a small plum!

The Heart rate measured at 179! Crazy high compared to last time, 146. Will post a pic in a few minutes! Wooohooo, we are so excited. The photo is awesome. You can see eyes and an open mouth and little arm buds too!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Stroller Update

And it is in transit! WOOOOHOOO! I am SO excited, it will be here Wednesday! Just wanted to share because I may jump out of my skin from excitement.